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Richard Elfyn Jones 1944

Ar ôl astudio yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Bangor a Choleg y Brenin Caergrawnt cychwynnodd Richard Elfyn Jones ei yrfa fel organydd (enillodd Wobr Limpus yr FRCO yng Ngholeg Brenhinol yr Organyddion); bu’n arweinydd cerddorfaol (gan lwyddo yng Nghystadleuaeth Ryngwladol Cantelli i Arweinyddion, 1980); a bu’n arweinydd corawl amlwg trwy ei waith gyda Chôr Poliffonig Caerdydd. Ond cyfansoddi yw ei brif weithgarwch ac ymddeolodd yn ddiweddar fel pennaeth cyfansoddi ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.


Fe’i disgrifiwyd fel un o’r cyfansoddwyr Cymreig mwyaf amryddawn gydag ystod eang iawn o waith.  Daeth ei gerddoriaeth ar gyfer cyfresi teledu PBS Maryland After the Warming a Timeline  ag ef i sylw rhyngwladol. Dau waith corawl/cerddorfaol mawr ganddo yw Goroesiad Cenedl (2000) ac In David’s Land (2006). Fe’i comisiynwyd yn rheolaidd a pherfformiwyd ei weithiau gan  llawer o gerddorion blaengar gan gynnwys Bryn Terfel, Rebecca Evans, Gillian Weir, Jack Brymer, John Scott, Llŷr Williams, Côr Coleg y Brenin Caergrawnt, Pedwarawd Britten, Triawd Debussy a Cherddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC. Ysgrifennodd bedwar llyfr gan gynnwys The Early Operas of Tippett a Music and the Numinous.


After studying at the University of Wales, Bangor and King’s College, Cambridge, Richard Elfyn Jones  started his career as an organist (he was an FRCO  Limpus Prizewinner at the Royal College of Organists); orchestral conductor (semi-finalist in the Cantelli International Conducting Competition, Milan 1980); and choral director (for many years conductor of the Cardiff Polyphonic Choir). But his main activity has been composition. He recently retired as head of composition at Cardiff University.


He has been described as one of Wales’s  most versatile composers with an output  that is very wide-ranging. He has written prolifically, mainly to commission, in all genres except opera. During the early 1990s his scores for the Maryland PBS television series After the Warming and Timeline gained him international recognition. Two large-scale choral/orchestral works by him are Goroesiad Cenedl (2000) and In David’s Land (2006). Among the  artists for whom he has composed are Bryn Terfel, Rebecca Evans, Dame Gillian Weir, Jack Brymer, John Scott, Llŷr Williams, the Choir of King’a College Cambridge, the Britten Quartet, the Debussy Trio and the BBCNOW. He is also the author of four books including The Early Operas of Tippett and Music and the Numinous.

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Richard Elfyn Jones (© Matthew Thistlewood)
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