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Play with Paraorchestra 07.04.25

Play with Paraorchestra is a new project for young disabled musicians offering them the experience of being a musician playing in a Paraorchestra rehearsal. Over the course of a two-day workshop in July 2025 a small group of young disabled musicians will explore a range of musical styles, with a blend of acoustic and electronic sound worlds, working alongside professional Paraorchestra musicians. 

Play with Paraorchestra is a creatively ambitious project for young disabled musicians. It offers the same ambitious, collaborative, person-centred way of working as on all Paraorchestra shows, this time for young disabled musicians considering music as a future career. This is the second iteration of Play with Paraorchestra; we are looking to work with a small group (6 in total) of young disabled musicians aged 18 - 25. 


The application process is via Google Form. We will accept typed or video answers and on the application form there is an opportunity to upload a reference from a music tutor (or an individual who knows the young person’s playing well) and two or three examples of them playing to help us shortlist applications for this project. At the bottom of the document there is a list of FAQs about the opportunity but if you, the young people you approach or their families have questions that aren’t answered in the call out document they can get in touch with us via and we’ll get back to them. 


We’re really excited about delivering Play with Paraorchestra this summer and would really appreciate your support in sharing the opportunity with the young disabled musicians you work with. 


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