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MusicFest Digital Installation Creatives announced

After a national call for visual artists and music creators, MusicFest Aberystwyth are excited to announce Claire Victoria Roberts and Sally MacLachlan as the two selected creatives for their 2021 Digital Installation.

This is a specially-commissioned collaboration in which two creatives, either based in or from Wales, will have the opportunity to collaborate with one another and create a digital installation inspired by the rich landscape and culture of Aberystwyth, and premiered as part of our International Music Festival and Summer School in summer 2021.

Claire and Sally will collaborate with one another to create a digital installation responding to a theme of their choosing inspired by the rich landscape and culture of Aberystwyth (the sea, land, and ecology of the area, the beautiful Ceredigion coastline, to Cantre’r Gwaelod, for example).

After a national call for creatives, the selection panel of industry experts were excited to see a broad range of high quality, inventive, and forward thinking visual art and music. The Festival are excited that this will be the first in many opportunities to support and platform cross-arts collaboration, and look forward to working with partners and supporters in the future to bring even more opportunities to you. MORE

Ar ôl galwad genedlaethol am artistiaid gweledol a chrewyr cerddoriaeth, mae MusicFest Aberystwyth yn gyffrous i gyhoeddi Claire Victoria Roberts a Sally MacLachlan fel y ddau greadigol a ddewiswyd ar gyfer eu Gosodiad Digidol 2021.

Mae hwn yn gydweithrediad arbennig lle bydd dau berson creadigol sydd naill ai wedi’u lleoli yng Nghymru neu o Gymru yn cydweithredu â’i gilydd, ac yn creu gosodiad digidol wedi’i ysbrydoli gan dirwedd a diwylliant cyfoethog Aberystwyth, ac a berfformiwyd am y tro cyntaf fel rhan o’n Gŵyl Gerdd Ryngwladol a’n Hysgol Haf yn haf 2021 .

Bydd Claire a Sally yn cydweithredu â’i gilydd i greu gosodiad digidol yn ymateb i thema o’u dewis wedi’i ysbrydoli gan dirwedd a diwylliant cyfoethog Aberystwyth. Ar ôl galwad genedlaethol am bobl greadigol, roedd y panel dethol o arbenigwyr diwydiant yn gyffrous i weld ystod eang o gelf weledol a cherddoriaeth o ansawdd uchel, dyfeisgar a blaengar.

Mae’r Ŵyl yn gyffrous mai hwn fydd y cyntaf mewn llawer o gyfleoedd i gefnogi a llwyfannu cydweithredu traws-gelf, ac edrychaf ymlaen at weithio gyda phartneriaid a chefnogwyr yn y dyfodol i ddod â mwy fyth o gyfleoedd i chi. MWY

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