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CoDI one2one posts first of video series

The first piece in a series of ten commissions by Welsh composers written for players of BBC National Orchestra of Wales is Ashley John Long's 'my way is in the sand flowing' performed by Matthew Featherstone.

This is part of Tŷ Cerdd's CoDI one2one scheme ( which itself is one strand of the larger branch of CoDI composer development projects that Tŷ Cerdd runs in Wales.

Read more about Ashley John Long here:


Dyma'r darn cyntaf mewn cyfres o ddeg comisiwn gan cyfansoddwyr Cymreig wedi'i gyfansoddi ar gyfer perfformwyr o Gerddorfa Cenedlaethol Cymreig y BBC - 'my way is in the sand flowing' gan Ashley John Long, a berfformiwyd gan Matthew Featherstone.

Mae hyn yn rhan o gynllun CoDI un-i-un Tŷ Cerdd ( sy'n un rhan o gynllun mwy eang llwybrau cyfansoddi CoDI o dan arweiniant Tŷ Cerdd yng Nghymru.

Darllenwch mwy am Ashley John Long:


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