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Alawon Gwerin Cymru | Welsh Folk Songs

Tŷ Cerdd is happy to bring you new editions of a classic collection of Welsh Folk Songs! These were originally published c.1924 by Hughes and Son, with the approval of the Welsh Folk Song Society, in arrangements by J. Lloyd Williams and L.D. Jones (Llew Tegid). This is the latest addition to our long-running series of refreshed and updated sheet music from the Hughes and Son catalogue, which includes some of the indispensable favourites of Welsh vocal music from the first half of the 20th Century. They can all be found here.

Mae Tŷ Cerdd yn hapus i ddod ag argraffiadau newydd o gasgliad clasur Alawon Gwerin Gymreig i chi. Cyhoeddwyd y rhain yn wreiddiol tua 1924 gan Hughes a’i Fab, gydag awdurdodiad Cymdeithas Alawon Gwerin Cymru, mewn trefniannau gan J. Lloyd Williams ac L.D. Jones (Llew Tegid). Dyma’r ychwanegiad diweddaraf i’n cyfres o gerddoriaeth ddalen sy wedi’i hadnewyddu a’i diweddaru o gatalog Hughes a’i Fab, sy’n cynnwys rhai o ffefrynnau anhepgor cerddoriaeth leisiol Cymru o hanner cyntaf yr 20fed ganrif. Gellir dod o hyd iddynt i gyd fan hyn.

These folk songs are arranged for two- and three-part groups of children's voices with piano accompaniment, but the strength and clarity of these classic and familiar arrangements is that they can be adapted and sung by any number of voices, in unison or otherwise, in whichever context required. The notation has been updated to a modern standard, with additional vocal staves where necessary to aid clarity.

Each volume contains notes on the music and lyrics, written by J. Lloyd Williams – a founder of the Welsh Folk Song Society – for the original early 20th Century editions.

The songs that appear across the three volumes are as follows (with links to downloadable versions of the sheet music for individual songs). The printed editions are available here.

Trefnir y caneuon gwerin hyn ar gyfer grwpiau o leisiau plant mewn 2- a 3-rhan gyda chyfeiliant piano, ond mae cryfder y trefniannau traddodiadol a chyfarwydd yn golygu y gellir eu haddasu a’u chanu gan unrhyw nifer o leisiau, yn unsain neu mwy, ym mha bynnag gyd-destun sydd ei angen. Mae'r nodiant wedi'i ddiweddaru i safon fodern, gydag erwau lleisiol ychwanegol lle bo angen er mwyn hwyluso'r eglurder.

Mae pob cyfrol yn cynnwys nodiadau ar y gerddoriaeth a'r geiriau, a ysgrifennwyd gan J. Lloyd Williams – un o sylfaenwyr Cymdeithas Alawon Gwerin Cymru – ar gyfer argraffiadau gwreiddiol o ddechrau'r 20fed ganrif.

Mae’r caneuon sy’n ymddangos ar draws y tair cyfrol wedi'u rhestri isod (gyda dolenni i fersiynau PDF o'r gerddoriaeth ddalen ar gyfer caneuon unigol). Mae'r argraffiadau printiedig llawn ar gael yma.

Part 1 | Rhan 1

Part 2 | Rhan 2

Part 3 | Rhan 3


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