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15.11.24 Semay Wu + Frise Lumiere

Nos Wener / Friday 15.11.24, 19:00-20:00

STORIEL, Ffordd Gwynedd, Bangor LL57 1DT

Llif(T) is proud to present an innovative and experimental music session. Featuring the incredibly talented performers; Semay Wu, a captivating cellist and electronic artist, and Frise Lumiere, an exceptional bassist known for his explorations in prepared bass. This promises to be an extraordinary showcase of musical artistry that you won’t want to miss! 


Get ready for an incredible avant-garde music experience brought to you by Llif(T)! Prepare to be blown away by the extraordinary talents of Semay Wu, an incredibly versatile cellist and electronic artist, and Frise Lumiere, an innovative bassist known for his creative use of prepared bass techniques. This one-of-a-kind event will immerse you in a fusion of live music, where everyday objects, toys, and Wu’s cello come together to create a mesmerizing sonic landscape filled with spontaneous orchestral ecosystems and captivating sounds.


Originally from Scotland, Semay Wu has been making waves with the release of two solo albums since 2022. Her works, “Raspberry Hotel” (2022) and “Sharmanka” (2023), have received critical acclaim, and she’s now gearing up to unveil her latest album, “Unsteady Stones,” in October.


Frise Lumière is the brainchild of the talented artist, musician, and composer Ludovic Gerst. Through this project, he dives deep into the world of bass instrumentation. His debut album “Bisou Genou” was released in 2021, and this October, he’s all set to introduce his newest album, “Ambo,” the result of three years of exploration into prepared bass techniques, using broomsticks, mallets, and drumsticks to push the boundaries of musical expression.




Mae Llif (T) yn falch o gyflwyno sesiwn gerddoriaeth arloesol ac arbrofol. Yn cynnwys y perfformwyr hynod dalentog; Semay Wu, sielydd ac artist electronig cyfareddol, a Frise Lumiere, bas eithriadol sy’n adnabyddus am ei archwiliadau mewn bas wedi’i baratoi. Mae hyn yn argoeli i fod yn arddangosiad rhyfeddol o gelfyddiaeth gerddorol na fyddwch am ei golli!


Paratowch ar gyfer profiad anhygoel o gerddoriaeth avant-garde a ddaw i chi gan Llif(T)! Paratowch i gael eich syfrdanu gan dalentau rhyfeddol Semay Wu, sielydd ac artist electronig hynod amlbwrpas, a Frise Lumiere, baswr arloesol sy’n adnabyddus am ei ddefnydd creadigol o dechnegau bas parod. Bydd y digwyddiad un-o-fath hwn yn eich trochi mewn cyfuniad o gerddoriaeth fyw, lle mae gwrthrychau bob dydd, teganau, a sielo Wu yn dod at ei gilydd i greu tirwedd sonig syfrdanol sy’n llawn ecosystemau cerddorfaol digymell a synau cyfareddol.


Yn wreiddiol o’r Alban, mae Semay Wu wedi bod yn gwneud tonnau gyda rhyddhau dau albwm unigol ers 2022. Mae ei gweithiau, “Raspberry Hotel” (2022) a Sharmanka (2023), wedi derbyn clod beirniadol, ac mae hi bellach yn paratoi i ddadorchuddio ei halbwm diweddaraf, “Unsteady Stones,” ym mis Hydref.



Frise Lumière yw syniad yr artist, y cerddor a’r cyfansoddwr talentog Ludovic Gerst. Trwy’r prosiect hwn, mae’n plymio’n ddwfn i fyd offeryniaeth bas. Rhyddhawyd ei albwm cyntaf “Bisou Genou” yn 2021, ac ym mis Hydref, mae i gyd yn barod i gyflwyno ei albwm mwyaf newydd, “Ambo,” canlyniad tair blynedd o archwilio i dechnegau bas parod, gan ddefnyddio ffyn broomsticks, maledi, a drumsticks i wthio ffiniau mynegiant cerddorol.




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