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Luciano Williamson 1996 

Astudiodd Luciano Williamson gyfansoddi yng Ngholeg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru o dan Mark David Boden a Joseph Davies, gan raddio ym mis Gorffennaf 2018. Mae wedi gweithio gydag amrywiaeth o gerddorion gan gynnwys Ensemble Nieuw, Jeremy Huw Williams, a Cherddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC, gyda pherfformiadau ym Mhrydain, yr Iseldiroedd, yr UDA a China.


Yn 2017-2018 gweithiodd Luciano gyda’r dramodydd Kaite O’Reilly ar ei Dyfarniad Cymru Creadigol, “Pŵer Perfformiadol Geiriau gyda Cherddoriaeth”. Dewiswyd ef ar gyfer Llwyfan Cyfansoddwyr Ifanc Penwythnos Caneuon Saesneg Llwydlo 2019, a chynllun Cyfansoddi ar gyfer Baswn 2019 Psappha.


Mae Luciano wedi ennill Gwobr Paul Mealor i Gyfansoddwyr Ifanc 2018, Cystadleuaeth Cyfansoddwyr Ifanc Benslow 2019 a Chystadleuaeth Cyfansoddi Rhyngwladol Hastings Philharmonic 2019. Mae’n dal i astudio cyfansoddi yn y Coleg Cerdd a Drama, gyda chefnogaeth Ymddiriedolaeth RVW, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru ac elusen Clive a Sylvia Richards.

Luciano Williamson studied composition at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama under Mark David Boden and Joseph Davies, graduating in July 2018. He has worked with a variety of musicians including the Nieuw Ensemble, Jeremy Huw Williams, and the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, with performances in Britain, the Netherlands the US and China.

In 2017-2018 Luciano worked with playwright Kaite O’Reilly on her Creative Wales Award, “The Performative Power of Words with Music.” He was selected for the Ludlow English Song Weekend Young Composers Platform 2019, and Psappha’s Composing for Bassoon 2019 scheme.

Luciano has won the Paul Mealor Award for Young Composers 2018, the Benslow Young Composers Competition 2019 and the Hastings Philharmonic International Composition Competition 2019. He continues to study composition at RWCMD, supported by the RVW Trust, the Arts Council of Wales and the Clive and Sylvia Richards Charity.

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