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Ethnie Foulkes 1993

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Ar hyn o bryd mae Ethnie Foulkes yn astudio am radd Meistr mewn Cyfansoddi a Pherfformio yng Ngholeg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru, ar ôl cael anrhydedd dosbarth cyntaf yn ei gradd israddedig mewn cyfansoddi o’r un sefydliad. Yn ystod yr amser hwn, bu’n astudio gyda Ceri Tippetts, Joseph Davies, Peter Reynolds, a Mark Boden. Cyn hyn roedd yn fyfyriwr ysgoloriaeth yn Junior Trinity Laban yn astudio cyfansoddi gyda Kerry Andrew a Robert Fokkens.

Mae Ethnie wedi cynhyrchu gweithiau wedi’u comisiynu gyda’r dramodydd Kaite O’Reilly, ac fe’i dewiswyd ar gyfer gweithdai gyda Robert Saxton, Sian Edwards, Yu Finch, a Jeremy Huw Williams. Perfformiwyd ei cherddoriaeth mewn lleoliadau uchel eu proffil sy’n cynnwys LSO St Lukes, The Painted Chapel, Southbank Centre, Bargehouse, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru a Chanolfan Gelfyddydau Chapter.

Perfformiwyd sioe Ethnie sef Obnubilation, sy’n archwilio ei phrofiad personol ag iselder, yn Theatr Richard Burton, y Coleg Cerdd a Drama fel rhan o Ŵyl ‘Awyrgylch’ 2019 y Coleg. Ymhlith y perfformiadau sydd i ddod mae première ei hopera gyntaf Luna.

Ethnie Foulkes (photo © Matthew Thistlewood 2020)

Ethnie is currently studying for a masters degree in composition and performance at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, having passed an undergraduate degree in composition with first class honours from the same institution. During this time, she studied with Ceri Tippetts, Joseph Davies, Peter Reynolds, and Mark Boden. Prior to this she was a scholarship student at Junior Trinity Laban studying composition with Kerry Andrew and Robert Fokkens.

Ethnie has produced commissioned works with playwright Kaite O’Reilly, and was selected for workshops with Robert Saxton, Sian Edwards, Yu Finch, and Jeremy Huw Williams. Her music has been performed at high profile venues that include LSO St Lukes, The Painted Chapel, Southbank Centre, Bargehouse, National Museum of Wales and Chapter Arts Centre.

Ethnie’s show Obnubilation, which explores her personal experience with depression, was premiered at the Richard Burton Theatre, RWCMD as part of the College’s 2019 Atmospheres Festival. Upcoming performances include the premiere of her debut opera Luna.

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