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Claire Victoria Roberts 1992

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Wedi'i ddisgrifio fel 'un o brif gyfansoddwyr Cymru' gan Wales Arts Review, mae cerddoriaeth Claire Victoria Roberts wedi'i pherfformio gan Gerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC, Psappha Ensemble, y sielydd Oliver Coates, Opera Cymru, Ensemble Uproar, y trwmpedwr Simon Desbruslais, Camden Symphony Orchestra, a’r telynor Anne Denholm.


Mae Claire yn enillydd Gwobr Royal Philharmonic Society am Gyfansoddi 2019-2020, yn ogystal ag enillydd Gwobr Cyfansoddi Mathias 2017, ac enillydd gwobr Francis Chagrin yn 2019. 


Y tu allan i'r neuadd gyngerdd, mae Claire yn perfformio fel feiolinydd a chantores mewn ystod o arddulliau. Mae ei cherddoriaeth yn canolbwyntio ar brosesau cydweithredol a churadu, gan weithio gyda byrfyfyrwyr jazz a gwerin, llefaru, dawns, hwyluso cerddoriaeth, a delweddau gweledol. Ei hymddangosiad cyntaf yn Wigmore Hall oedd gyda chylch caneuon jazz wedi'i ysgrifennu ar gyfer llais a phiano.  

Described as ‘one of Wales's leading composers’ by Wales Arts Review, Claire Victoria Roberts's music has been performed by BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Psappha Ensemble, cellist Oliver Coates, Opera Cymru, Uproar Ensemble, trumpeter Simon Desbruslais, Camden Symphony Orchestra, and harpist Anne Denholm.  


Claire is the Winner of a Royal Philharmonic Society Composition Prize 2019-2020, as well as 2017 winner of the Mathias Composition Prize, and 2019 winner of a Francis Chagrin award. 


Outside of the concert hall, Claire performs as a violinist and vocalist in a range of styles. Her music revolves around collaborative processes and curation, working with jazz and folk improvisers, spoken word, dance, music facilitation, and visuals, making her Wigmore Hall debut with a jazz song cycle written for voice and piano. 

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