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Caffi Arbrofol / Experimental Cafe

A monthly drop-in social for experimental music creators and sound artists.

Online, every second Monday of the month, 6-7pm

Everyone is welcome, and the sessions are friendly and relaxed. The sessions are an informal space to connect with a supportive network of artists working with music and sound. All practices are welcome – across (and outside of) any genre.





If you’d like to share what you’ve been working on or have an idea for something you think would be worth discussing at an upcoming session, just get in touch.


We want to make the sessions as accessible as possible. If you have any questions about what to expect, or any access requirements you’d like to share, please email


Caffi Arbrofol

  • Digwyddiad cymdeithasol ar-lein misol ar gyfer artistiaid sain arbrofol a dan-ddaear

  • 6-7yh, yr ail Nos Lun pob mis 

Mae Tŷ Cerdd Dan-Ddaear wedi datblygu rhwydwaith o artistiaid ledled Cymru, gan rannu arfer mewn digwyddiadau ar-lein ac wyneb yn wyneb yn rheolaidd. Bydd y sesiwn 60 munud newydd, reolaidd hon yn darparu gofod anffurfiol, cymdeithasol i artistiaid gysylltu, dal i fyny a hyd yn oed rannu perfformiad. Ar agor i bawb!




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