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Brian E Noyes (photo © Matthew Thistlewood)

Brian E Noyes 1949

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Astudiodd Brian Noyes y gitâr clasurol am y tro cyntaf yng Ngholeg Cerdd a Drama Cymru a bu’n perfformio datganiadau unawd a deuawd yng Nghymru a Llundain, nes i ddiddordeb mewn cerddoriaeth gyfoes ei arwain at astudio cyfansoddi yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Caerdydd a Choleg y Gofaint Aur, Prifysgol Llundain.

Yn ystod y blynyddoedd hynny ar ôl ennill ei radd feistr, fe’i gwelwyd mewn amryw o berfformiadau gan ensembles fel Lontano, SingCircle a Music Projects Llundain. O bwys mawr i’w ddatblygiad artistig roedd mynychu Ysgol Haf Dartington (Syr Peter Maxwell Davies) ynghyd ag Ysgol Uwchefrydiau Aldeburgh (Syr Harrison Birtwistle) yn yr un modd â bod yn ‘Gyfansoddwr Rhestr Fer’ SPNM 2007-2010.
Cafwyd perfformiadau cerddorfaol gan Gerddorfa Ffilharmonig y BBC a Cherddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC a pherfformiwyd ei Driawd Piano am y tro cyntaf yn Philadelphia ac Efrog Newydd yn UDA gan Driawd Casals (Neuadd Ddatganiadau Weill, Neuadd Carnegie) o ganlyniad i’w CD cerddorfaol cyntaf, Journeys after.
Mae ei gerddoriaeth yn dangos naratif nerthol clir sydd wedi’i ddatblygu o fewn ymdeimlad cryf â strwythur sy’n cyfuno estheteg fodern a chlasurol.


Brian Noyes first studied classical guitar at the Welsh College of Music and Drama, and performed solo and duo recitals in Wales and London, until an interest in contemporary music led him to study composition at University College Cardiff, and Goldsmiths’ College, University of London.


Those years after attaining his Masters degree saw various performances by ensembles such as Lontano, SingCircle, Music Projects London. His attendance at Dartington Summer School (Sir Peter Maxwell Davies), together with Aldeburgh School of Advanced Studies (Sir Harrison Birtwistle), was significant to his artistic development, as was being a SPNM ‘Shortlist Composer’ 2007 -2010.


Orchestral performances by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra and the BBC National Orchestra of Wales have occurred, and Trio Casals premiered his Piano Trio in Philadelphia, and New York (Weill Recital Hall, Carnegie Hall) USA, as a result of his first orchestral CD “Journeys after”.


His music shows a clear narrative drive, developed within a strong sense of structure, which marries both modern and classical aesthetics.

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